What is HTML and CSS?
HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, is used to create structure for a website, while CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is used to create the look and formatting of the website. Both languages work together to create a complete web design. HTML can be used to write text for a website, as well as place images, video and audio elements that render on a page. CSS is used to add style elements like font and color.
So are HTML5 and CSS3 the same thing?
Yes and no. HTML5 is a draft update to the current set of rules being proposed by the W3C’s HTML Working Group (HTML WG). The group is expected to make stable HTML5 recommendations to the update by the end of this year, and then make final recommendations by 2016. HTML5 will replace HTML4 and XHTML. CSS3 is the latest version of the style sheet language. While it is technically still under development by W3C, most new CSS3 elements are currently used in most browsers.
How are the updated versions different?
Both HTML5 and CSS3 are more streamlined and multimedia-friendly. HTML5 now includes new structural elements like <video>, <article> and <embed>. HTML5 is also designed to be responsive, meaning the new structural elements are designed to work well on your web design, whether a user is viewing your website on a laptop, tablet or mobile phone. CSS3 now has new style elements for creating animation and 3D transformations.
Why should I care?
As we have discussed here before, all websites designed today not only have to use the most up to date tech tools and languages, but they also have to be mobile friendly. Technology is always changing, and it’s a good idea to stay ahead of the curve. If you design your own websites, there are many places online where you can learn how to use HTML5 and CSS3 for free, starting with W3Schools.com and Code Academy. If you are hiring a web designer/developer to create a website, you want to make sure they stay abreast of the latest techniques with HTML5 and CSS3.
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