This is part of our year-long series “Millennium Development Goals Tech Roadmap” Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health Target 5A: Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio Target 5B: Achieve universal... read more →
This is part of our year-long series “Millennium Development Goals Tech Roadmap” Goal 4: Reduce child mortality Target 4.A: Reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate... read more →
This is part of our year-long series “Millennium Development Goals Tech Roadmap” Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women Target 3A: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education,... read more →
This is part of our year-long series “Millennium Development Goals Tech Roadmap” Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education Target 2A: To ensure that by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike... read more →